A Frog Inside My Throat Called Pain

A Frog Inside My Throat Called Pain

Pain, this hard pain inside my chest
is like a frog that one day
so unexpectedly jumped
out of the dirty waters of a slump,
and into my open mouth,
to get stock there
deep inside of my throat.

No. Heck no!
This verse is not an erotic pun,
nor some sort 
of sexual metaphor.

This frog inside my chest
and inside of my throat
that I've named Pain
is as real as you and I.
It's so real that now,
I can barely breathe....
And I can't get it out,
even if I scream,
out loud.

I've stopped breathing
because of this pain.
I've stopped living
because of you.

Meanwhile this frog crawls  
inside my throat
and at night it hides
inside of my brain.

It snores loud 
and its dark cry
tears up my insides, 
inside out
and it kills me softly 
with daggers
of gruesome pain 
that has no name
except that, Pain.

And it is a pain, Dr. Pain,
that I can't explain.

It goes up and down
from my feet to my head
making me leap at nights
out of my bed 
and onto the ground. 
And like a sick swan I drown
and like a frog I hop
around the lake behind my house
for long hours that never seem to end,
till I arrive over this endless "bridge"
Until I get hear your voice Dr. Pain.

And I keep thinking
as I'm walking on this bridge
What if?
What if I jump here,
by the green leaves
and into this pond?

Will you be there for me?
And my savior be?
Like some sort of magical illegal boat
Will you take me far away,
far, so  far, or will you let me drown somehow,
somewhere inside this river
gulping the tears of this frog inside my throat.

And as I turn back and cross the bridge
I dream, I ponder by the pond
"What if I jump?"
"I may grow wings,
and I may fly high, far away from here,
and far, so far away from you."

But I doubt my legs could jump that high.
I doubt I will grow wings and fly,
and I doubt that you will ever be there for me,
that you will ever try to come and rescue me.

Self doubt fills my brain.
The pain is still in my inner self;
The pain is in my throat
the frog named Pain it's in my chest.

My life is now my shining armor,
and my blanket of shadows.

But the frog in my throat
still screams "Pain",
"Hurt", "Fears".
The frog inside my chest
screams out loud in my head
screaming its name, "Pain! Pain! Pain!."

I climbed the bridge again, in my dreams,
and at the beat of those words
I would jump,
feeling NOTHING!
No fears, nor pain.

Down in the waters and slumps
my body rests in the lake.
The larger than life gators
busy polishing
their own leather skin
with clawed large paws give me strange stares.

And I fall, and fall down
but they all ignore my fall,
after all
to them I'm NOTHING,
just another swollen frog,
by the name of Pain....

(2015- (c)Evelyn Rodriguez-Lallave- Poet/Author)
